EYFS TO YEAR 6 Average Rating4.75(based on 24 reviews)Resources from EYFS to Year 6! Specialising in report comments- EYFS, Year 5 and Year 6..Edit shopAdd a resource
cliona21The Smartest Giant in Town Resources(0)Word Mat Story Map Story Map- missing sections Giant description page Giant’s have, can, are worksheet Design a tie for the giant Letter template Word/picture matching
cliona21The Gruffalo Activity Pack DISCOUNTED! SALE(0)Gruffalo Description Gruffalo description/adjective word mat Character descriptions Design a new Gruffalo Vocab cards Wanted poster
cliona21Zog- Talk 4 Write, story and resources(0)Zog simple Story in widgit form Colourful semantic sentences Story text in simple form Zog word mat- key words
cliona21EYFS Reports(0)3 reports- high, middle and lower ability for 7 areas of learning and Environmental/Sustainability Forest school comments.
cliona21EYFS Report- 1 overall comment per child(0)EYFS Report- 1 overall comment per child 4 abilities including ELL
cliona21Funnybones(0)Wordmat Character design Writing speech Skeleton numbers to 20 skeleton bones split pin Simple Funnybones addition cards
Bundlecliona21Story Packs resources5 ResourcesFunnybones The Gruffalo The Smartest Giant in Town The very hungry caterpillar save 66% buying the bundle worth £6:50
cliona21100 High Frequency Words Alphablocks(0)98 HFW- missing I and I’m due to only having lowercase letters
cliona21Phonics information sheet for parents(3)An editable letters and sounds information page for parents